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High Protein Sandwich Bread

High Protein Sandwich Bread

I got tired of buying sandwich bread in stores because the list of ingredients is long, and I cannot pronounce most of them. The bread I chose to buy was very low in calories which is hard to beat. My favorite brands have been: Publix 

Healthy Oat Crepes

Healthy Oat Crepes

Oats can be even used to make healthy oat crepes! I am blown away how versatile oats can be! I am going to make two recipes for healthy oat crepes: with whole egg and with egg whites only. One is lighter than the other. You 

Quick Healthy Meals High Protein Low Calorie

Quick Healthy Meals High Protein Low Calorie

High protein meals are the key to feeling satisfied for longer. But most of us have a hard time to grasp what a high protein meal looks like. We tend to think we eat enough protein because we had a small piece of meat for 

Low Calorie High Protein Cheesecake

Low Calorie High Protein Cheesecake

This low calorie high protein cheesecake is a lighter version of a delicious cheesecake that I often make for holidays. I thought the other day: what if I was to tweak the cheesecake so little that the flavor is close to the original but have 

High Protein Breakfast Ideas

High Protein Breakfast Ideas

High protein breakfast is the best way to start a day to keep off the hunger pings at bay. Feeling satisfied helps you make better food choices throughout the day. Breakfast tortilla is one of my favorite high protein breakfast ideas. It taste very good 

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake

Sugar Free Yogurt Cake

This recipe is a sugar free version of yogurt cake that I made before. My first recipe had full fat yogurt and sugar that made it higher in calories. Since then I have tried to see if it is possible to use monkfruit/erythritol sweetener and 

High Protein Omelette

High Protein Omelette

High protein omelette is a great way to start your day. You can stuff it with your favorite vegetables for extra volume and protein of your choice (last night dinner steak leftovers work great!). Are omelettes good for protein? Omelettes are good option to satisfy 

Plum Crisp with Oats

Plum Crisp with Oats

This healthier option for a plum crisp is made with oats and minimal amount of sugar, just 2 tablespoons per whole recipe to be exact. You don’t have to deprive yourself of your favorite foods and desserts when you are trying to lose and keep 

Healthy High Protein Mug Cake

Healthy High Protein Mug Cake

This healthy and high protein version of a mug cake was created out of all ingredients that I use to make my oatmeal. What can be better than making a satisfying desserts out of oatmeal? For step by step instructions watch this video: How much 

Sugar Free Angel Food Cake

Sugar Free Angel Food Cake

I was very excited when I learned that I could make an angel food cake with a sweetener! Yes, sugar free! Why? Because this cake has no fat whatsoever, very little flour and most of the calories come from sugar, lots of it! If you