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How to Roast Butternut Squash in the Oven

How to Roast Butternut Squash in the Oven

Butternut squash is one of those vegetables that I always have at home. First, because you can store it for months outside and it doesn’t go bad. Second, it is such an awesome, diverse and amazingly tasting vegetable. It is very sweet but also surprisingly 

Low Calorie Coleslaw – no mayo

Low Calorie Coleslaw – no mayo

Coleslaw is a such a popular side dish. It seems like so many countries have their own recipe. With the worldwide presence of KFC, coleslaw got extremely popular everywhere. But the type of coleslaw that is served at KFC is not a healthy one. It 

How to make brussel sprouts taste good

How to make brussel sprouts taste good

Why are brussel sprouts the worst vegetable? Brussel sprouts seem to have a bad wrap. Most kids do not like them and many adults claim do not like them as well, probably because they remember from their childhood that they did not like them. Vicious 

Berry Pavlova – Easy Meringue Dessert

Berry Pavlova – Easy Meringue Dessert

Berry Pavlova has become one of my favorite desserts. First, it is absolutely delicious, second it is actually one of the lighter desserts. The shell is made out of egg whites and sugar. You dress it up with whipped cream and fruit. That’s it. Not 

More Apples than Dough Cake

More Apples than Dough Cake

I have been seeing this recipe on YouTube and yes, it is called More Apples than Dough Cake. After going through the ingredients and calculating calories it was evident I have to make it and include it in my low calorie dessert list. Even though 

Polish Blueberry Buns

Polish Blueberry Buns

I grew up eating these blueberry buns. Polish bakeries make these buns now year round, however, when I was a child, these were the best in the summer when blueberries were in season. I always made it my business to go to the store early 

How to Make Frappuccino Healthier

How to Make Frappuccino Healthier

My kid always asks me to get her a Caramel Frappuccino from Starbucks. Most of the time the answer is no because it is filled with sugar and most of the time I do not feel like driving there just to get one drink. And 

Banana Oat Muffins with Cranberries – No Sugar

Banana Oat Muffins with Cranberries – No Sugar

These banana oat muffins with cranberries recipe is a great invention of mine. I have been trying to make a muffin that can be eaten for a healthy and nutritious breakfast. And not filled with lots of sugar and butter. Not there is anything wrong 

Peach Cobbler with Oatmeal- Low Calorie

Peach Cobbler with Oatmeal- Low Calorie

This Peach Cobbler is a cobbler that can be enjoyed for breakfast because it has no flour or butter and very little sugar. You can even have no sugar if you decide to use sugar substitute. I am always blown away when I remove butter 

Tzatziki Sauce with Greek Yogurt

Tzatziki Sauce with Greek Yogurt

Tzatziki sauce is one of those recipes that is naturally good for you and any diet you are on. Although I have seen recipes asking for sour cream and olive oil, you really do not need those ingredients. Full fat Greek yogurt will just do